
How to take care of asthma patients?

how to care asthma patient

Asthma, or bronchial asthma, is a disease that highly affects one’s lungs.

It’s a respiratory condition characterized by spasms in the bronchi of the lungs that makes breathing difficult.

As per AAFA(Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America), approximately 25 million have asthma in the US. This means that 1 in 13 people have asthma in the United States. Over 6 million children have asthma in the US. Asthma is responsible for millions of healthcare visits, hospitalizations, and missed school and workdays yearly.

Why is asthma dangerous?

Asthma is dangerous as one must receive emergency healthcare and get hospitalized for treatment and monitoring.

In severe cases, asthma can also lead to the death of a person.

Medications for Asthma Patients

Various factors, including age, symptoms, triggers, and drug reaction, will determine your best medication.

Understanding what medications are available will assist you in developing your treatment plan with your doctor.


Inhalers are utilized to push drugs into your lungs. They necessitate user coordination because you must press the gadget and inhale the medicine. Inhalers are small, light, and portable but can be easily misplaced.

how to care asthma patient | Daily Pharmacy Store


Nebulizers are plug-in or battery-powered devices that convert liquid asthma medications into inhalable mist. They’re great for youngsters because they’re automatic. With the nebulizer’s mouthpiece or facemask, you slowly breathe in the mist to receive the medication. Breathing in the medicine from the nebulizer typically takes 5 to 10 minutes. The issue is that the machines need a power source and are less portable than inhalers. They can be large and noisy.

Asthma medications typically fall into two groups: bronchodilators and anti-inflammatories.


These are quick-relief medications and target the tightened muscles in your lungs that are restricting your airways.

These drugs provide immediate relief by targeting the constricted muscles in your lungs that are blocking your airways. These medications aid in the relaxation of the lung muscles. This opens up your airways and makes breathing easier. Bronchodilators are used to provide immediate relief from asthma symptoms.


Anti-inflammatory medications treat inflammation in the lungs. They aid in improving your breathing by reducing lung inflammation. Anti-inflammatory drugs are used daily to help prevent asthma symptoms.

Oral Medications

Oral medications such as montelukast (Singulair), zafirlukast (Accolate), and zileuton (Zyflo) help relieve asthma symptoms.

Asthma Medication Recommendations

Your medications are the foundation of effective asthma management. Understand which treatments are included in your asthma action plan, when these drugs should be taken, the expected outcomes, and what to do if you don’t receive the desired results.

  • Asthma medication should never run out.
  • Contact your nearest pharmacist or doctor’s office at least 48 hours in advance.
  • Save your pharmacy phone number, prescription numbers, and drug names and dosages in your phone’s notes app so you can quickly call in case of refills.
  • Ascertain that you understand and can adhere to your asthma treatment plan.
  • Before taking asthma medications, wash your hands.
  • Provide yourself with plenty of time. Before using any drug, double-check the name and dosage.
  • Asthma medications should be stored according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Examine liquid medicines regularly. If they have changed colour or produced crystals, discard and replace them.
  • Inform your doctor about any other medications you are taking.
  • Certain medications do not work well when used together. Although most asthma treatments are harmless, some do have adverse effects. Get a description from your doctor or pharmacist, and report anything odd or severe.

Self-Care Tips That Every Asthma Patient Should Follow

Control Exposure to Allergens

Avoid allergens such as dust, pollen, and animal fur that trigger breathing problems. Be watchful and monitor yourself frequently to check for any symptoms.

Increase your Water Intake

Water is essential to maintain one’s health. Drinking enough water keeps your mucus thinner, helping you to breathe smoothly and aiding healthy digestion.

Think Before you Eat.

Keeping track of what you eat is not easy, but you have to be alert for an asthma patient. Avoid having foods that trigger your allergies. Keep your distance from foods high in sugar as well as fats. Foods with high sugar and fats negatively affect you as they increase mucous secretion and thicken.

Change your Air Filters Timely

Keep the air clean and clear, and always change your air filters regularly. If your filters are not changed daily, they tend to trap dust and distribute it all around the house. This leads to adverse breathing problems and asthma symptoms.

Reduce Dust in your Surroundings

Take further steps to minimize the dust in your home, workplace, or other surroundings where you spend most of your time.

Keep a routine of dusting, vacuuming, and cleaning fabric surfaces daily to prevent dust buildup. Remember to wear a mask while cleaning to avoid inhaling the dust that gets kicked up in the process.

Avoid Fragrance Sprays

Keep yourself away from perfumes, air fresheners, cleaning sprays, and other mists that can cause many problems to your lungs and respiratory system, and they should generally be avoided at any cost.

Keep an Active Lifestyle

Physical activity is suitable for your lung health but can also trigger certain types of asthma. Under the care of your doctor, build up a regular exercise routine for the best results.

No Smoking

If you have asthma, you should avoid smoking, but you should also avoid areas where you will be exposed to smoke. Inhaling the smoke of others can be dangerous for your health.

Keep Your Inhaler Handy

Keep your inhaler handy in case of any unforeseen emergencies. Keep one in your purse, car, gym bag, emergency kit, or wherever you will always have easy access to it.

It is crucial for people with asthma to work with their healthcare provider to develop an individualized treatment plan that includes the appropriate medications and other strategies, such as avoiding triggers and monitoring symptoms. People with this condition can lead entire and active lives by properly managing their asthma.

Read more: Asthma – How to Curb the Illness

Asthma is a serious chronic condition, but it does not define the person it affects.” – Brant Reader

Buy Online Medicines

Ventorlin Inhaler 100mcg (Salbutamol)

Tiova Rotacaps (Tiotropium)

Theo-Asthalin Forte (Salbutamol 4mg and Theophylline 200mg)

Tiova Inhaler (Tiotropium Bromide)

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