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Glybovin 5

Glybovin 5 tablet contains Glibenclamide, which is a type of oral hypoglycaemic that is used to treat type-2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a chronic or lifelong condition affecting how your body processes glucose. People with type 2 diabetes either do not produce enough insulin, or if the insulin is produced, it cannot perform its function in the body (insulin resistance). Thus, the blood glucose level increases and symptoms such as frequent urination increased thirst and increased hunger.

Semi Daonil 2.5mg

Semi Daonil 2.5mg is a medication containing Glibenclamide as its active ingredient. It is renowned for its hypoglycemic effects, making it effective in managing type 2 diabetes. Semi Daonil helps lower blood sugar levels by stimulating insulin production. With its potent formulation, it offers a reliable and convenient treatment option for individuals with diabetes.